BioField Testing / Morphogenic Field Testing (MFT)

The BioField Testing /Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) is based upon the simple premise that the energy field of the body (which we will call the “morphogenic” field) will provide “information” regarding the overall health of the body. We believe that we can efficiently access the information using our multi-dimensional, modified muscle response testing procedures. 

MFT practitioners combine multi-dimensional testing with our proprietary MFT virtual energy test kits. The kits were designed based on Autumn Smith’s inspired belief that an “amplified” energy affect could be achieved by using cellular energies (morphogenic proteins) in the testing procedure. Our combinations and “layering” of various energies created kits that brought nutritional healing through muscle response testing to a new level. 

"Brandi Leverenz DC was a valuable tool starting our family.

-Allysia K 
"Brandi Leverenz DC help my child resolve his skin issues, now he can take a bath without crying.

-Julie C. 

"I've seen Dr. Brandi for years. I started having gallbladder/pancreas issues. I refuse to have any organs removed so I’m doing everything in my power to keep them healthy. 

-Tina C 
An MFT session may look a bit different than your regular doctor visit.  After reviewing your health history and talking with you about your challenges and health goals—it will look like this:

  • measure your m-field
  • make sure the autonomic nervous system is regulating
  • see if there are any foundational nutrients the body is requiring
  • check cells to see if there are any concerns with immune challenges or a toxicity the body needs to get rid of
  • other specific herbs or nutrition required
  • remeasure m-field with specific protocol we found and make sure problem energies are shut off, the m-field is larger and symmetrical
There are phases of healing and this is different for everyone as we are all bio-individual.  At each appointment, different layers of healing may present.

  • follow-ups are generally 2-4 weeks apart depending on your protocol
  • we measure the field
  • see if any new problem energies are found and find the solution
    • it is common to have new energies as the body is pealing away layers
  • we re-check your last protocol to see if the body still requires those nutrients
  •  this process continues until you can begin your appointment with a 5-7’ large symmetrical field
    • this can take weeks to months of dedication
    • you can expect anywhere from $200-$400 worth of supplements a month
    • some supplements you will take short term and others longer (the body lets us know)

Patient Education Introductory Series

Link to Biofield Website to learn more: 


Make an Appointment
Give our office a call to schedule (810) 985-0084