Welcome to the 14 Day Reset Survey

In this forum there a few questions to ensure that this 14 Day Reset is a good fit for you as well as how I can serve you better on this journey.
What areas of your health do you feel need Reset? Example:*
What other areas of your life are being affected because of the current state that your health is in?*
Why do you want to see improvement in these areas?*
What have you tried in the past to reach your health goals?*
What's your energy like throughout the day?*
What is your daily stress level 1-10? 1 Not stressed at all - 10 Very overwhelmed and stressed. Where do you find yourself?*
What do you feel is causing that level of stress if above a 5?*
How would you rate your sleep? 1 I sleep horribly - 10 I fall asleep fast and sleep through the night What is your sleep number? *
Do you currently move your body for at least 30 minutes a day? No, yes, sometimes. *
If you are not moving your body 30 minutes a day, why not? Is there a physical concern that is stopping you from moving.*
Do you have any pain that is keeping you from moving any part of your body? Please describe.*